Since 1996, the company’s Quality System is certified according to ISO 9001 by the Det Norske Veritas – one of the most prestigious European Authority for certification.
The property of thermical insulation of windows are tested by several licensed laboratories in Italy and in Germany.
The evaluation index of the soundproof power of doors and windows is determined on the basis of tests conducted by Universitary Institutes.
Fire resistant doors of different REI classes are certified in laboratory and homologated by the Italian Ministery of Interns.
Entrance doors are antiburglar certified.
Simeonato Serramenti company identifies itself in the task to promote a construction industry with a law enviromental impact, aimed to obtain the highest housing comfort, improving life quality and creating healthy and comfortable spaces through the installation of its own doors and windows.
The choice to enter a partnership with CasaClima Agency was than natural.
The brand LegnoFinestraItalia identifies the best Italian production of wooden windows, guarantees the passing of qualitative standards linked to CE certification, ensures the quality of raw material, of manufactoring processes, of technical specifications of the product. The brand LegnoFinestraItalia, aware of the value that the use of wood performs in the industrial productions, binds to maintain business behaviours dedicated and active in eco-friendly manufacturing systems and in protection of forests.
The brand LegnoFinestraItalia identifies.
The brand EcoLineDoor, registered by EDILEGNO ARREDO/FEDERLEGNO ARREDO identifies those products that demonstrate eco-friendly properties as the guide lines requirements accepted by the Door Group of EdilegnoArredo. Specifically, Siemonato’s products, tested with ISO standards for the indoor emission of voltile organic compounds (VOC), are positioned in A+ class according to the most recent French law (2011-321) that rules this enviromental topic. This means that Simeoanto’s doors have a poor or even null emission of potentially enviromental and health-harmful compounds, mostly thanks to the use of water-based paintings and of mechanical junctions instead of chemical glues. Once again, the comany wants to underline its involvement in manufacturing and selling eco-friendly and healthy products, because health passes also through your door!
Design of doors and windows
Each model of door or window is accurately designed on the basis of precise technical specifications.
The most common application technologies are analyzed and standardized; possible peculiar architectural requirements can be studied and evaluated by the technicians of Simeonato.
The Technical Service Simeonato is able to support the designer and the building constructor since the first phases of building planning, providing drawings, installation schemes and specialized expert advices.
Simeonato Serramenti produces doors and windows in its own manufacturing plant with modern automatic machinery, organized in several product lines. Profile machines with numerical control, automatic painting machineries, robot for the assembly and sealing of glasses. |
Continuous investements in the most advanced technology together with the use of highly qualified technical staff allow to increasingly improve performances and quality standards of Simeonato’s doors and windows. |
Simeonato serramenti Spa is able to give you a precious assistance service, besides a production absolutely in compliance with the specifications arranged:
Specialized technicians do on site inspections, evaluating the exact sizes of doors and windows to be produced and sustain the contractor and the Working Management with the defininition of the most suitable applications typologies related to the condition of things in building construction.
Materials are identified in oreder to allow an easier and exact delivery to the installation floors. The delivery service on building site is usually done with company vehicle, allowing excellent delivery conditions and reduced time of unloading.
The installation is executed by specialized technicians, carefully selected and continuosly trained for the installation of the most recent products. The installation procedures are an essential part of the Quality System and are certified ISO 9001/2008; periodic inspecting surveys allow a constant company control on site activity.